1. I am changing jobs and need health insurance until my new group coverage is in effect. What can I do?
A temporary policy is usually the best choice. It is inexpensive, and can be put in force almost immediately.
2. Can I get medical insurance if I am not part of a group?
Yes, with certain restrictions. In accordance with The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), you can only apply for medical plans that are in compliance with Obamacare during Open Enrollment. Currently Open Enrollment is held from November 1st to December 15th of each year. There are some exceptions to this, such as childbirth, marriage, loss of coverage, etc. You can apply for a Short-Term plan at any time, but those plans are not in compliance with Obamacare.
At Cowtown Insurance Inc. we will help you navigate through these confusing regulations, and find the best solution for your situation.
3. I’ve started my own business. How many employees or participants do I need to form a company health insurance group?
You only need 2 employees to get group coverage. You will have to offer proof of employment, such as a Quarterly TWC Report, 1099, etc.
4. Can students over 21 be covered on their parent’s individual health insurance policy? Does it matter if the student is full time or part time?
A student must be a full-time student to qualify for coverage .Most companies allow dependent coverage for students through age 26.
5. Does medical insurance have maternity coverage included? Do I have to pay for maternity coverage if I know it doesn’t apply to me.
In compliance with Obamacare, all medical plans must have maternity coverage.
6. What happens to my life insurance coverage if I move? What if I need a new policy or more life insurance after I move?
If your life insurance is part of your group plan, you will lose your coverage when you change employers with or without a move. Talk to a professional insurance agent. Let him know what you are looking for, how much, what kind of policy, and the purpose for the Life Insurance. Your agent will make the appropriate recommendation. If your move is not an employment change, nothing changes with your group coverage.
If you have individual coverage, you can keep that wherever you go. You just change your billing address.
7. How do I know if I am insurable?
Again, the best way is to talk to a professional insurance agent and tell him your situation.
8. Can I increase the amount of my life insurance at any time?
You can always increase your Life Insurance subject to your insurability.
9. If a person is named beneficiary on someone’s life insurance policy, can the beneficiary collect the benefits if the insured person commits suicide?
Yes, if the policy is two years and one day old.